zformatovat disk z linuxu na windows
pocujte mam disk rozdeleny na dve casti na jednej je linux a na druhej je windows a potrebujem teraz surne zformatovat tu cast s linuxom aby mi ju vo windowse ukazovalo da sa to niako ?
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
2. mkfs.ntfs /dev/sda2
3. install-mbr -r /dev/sda
Prvy prikaz preformatuje particiu na ntfs, druhy vymaze obsah mbr, takze po reboote defaultne nabehne windows.
Pozn.: /dev/sda nahrad svojim diskom a hlavne v druhom kroku zvol particiu, ktoru ches sformatovat.
je nejaky Knopisacky tool na zapisanie NTLDR?dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda1 bs=512 count=1
Osobne som ale toto este neskusal.
To ako windows nepotrebuje zavádzač v mbr? Tomu sa mi nechce veriť.
Ak je mbr prazdna tak sa asi najde prvy dostupny 2-stage zavadzac a ten ma prave windows na prvej particii. Netusim, ci to takto moze fungovat, len to len domnienka.
IMHO to teda nemaze MBR ale je to ich firemny tool. Nekce sa niekomu kuknut na source?
sa pise:When a PC is reset, it goes through a series of self tests, and then
attempts to load an operating system. The loading process requires a
number of steps. When booting from a hard disk, these are to read and
execute the first sector of the first hard disk, called the master
boot record, which in turn, reads and executes the first sector of one
of the partitions on that disk, called a boot sector. The program
code on this sector then loads the operating system. The standard MBR
(master boot record) which comes with MSDOS is fairly simple, and
limited in a number of ways. The MSDOS MBR is also non-free which
means that it cannot form part of a completely free system. This MBR
is more complicated, and aims to overcome these limitations.
install-mbr -r /dev/sda
sa da pouzit ajlilo -M /dev/sda mbr