limit na diskovu cache
Mam book so 768 mb ram. Do isteho casu vsetko bezalo v pohode, swap bol vyuzivany minimalne.
Po prechodu na novsie jadro (2.6.30+) tomu zacalo mierne sibat. Pravidelne aspon 100 mb trci v swape (swap bezi jak sialeny), ale pritom diskova cache zabera asi 400 mb z ramky. Odpoved systemu po prepnuti do predtym otvoreneho okna trva asi 5 sekund.
Skusal som sa hrat s vm.swappiness pomohlo to velky prd.
Existuje nejake nastavenie, ktore by vedelo obmedzit mnozstvo vyuzivanej cache?
Cital som vyhlasenie isteho kernel vyvojara, ktore znelo:
"OK, so it takes four seconds to swap mozilla back in, and you noticed it. Did you notice that those three kernel builds you just did ran in twenty seconds less time because they had more cache available? Nope."
Takze bonusova otazka znie, ze ci tento clovek je svihnuty, alebo to iba hra?
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
o ake diskovej cache to hovoríš? Zjavne nemáš na mysli swap.....
Ak áno pozri si toto:
1) open firefox and type about:config in the address bar
2) accept the terms and click the "i'll be carefull" button
3) right click on any of the values on the screen to bring up the context menu and click new->string
4) the first prompt wants the name of the string enter "browser.cache.disk.parent_directory" without the quotes
5) the next prompt is the value set it to "/dev/shm/" without the quotes
6) restart firefox
7) type about:cache in the browser bar and it should tell you it is using /dev/shm under "Disk Cache Device" if you don't see a "Disk Cache Device" section you did something wrong.
Takto ti bude firefox cachované subory ukladať do virtuánej pamäte /dev/shm. (Pričom aj toto môže byť odswapované ked kernel to potrebuje)
ak všeobecne - swappines by mal robiť čo chceš.....
inak mrkni na compcache, to by malo výrazne pomôcť.....
(dirty niekedy vyskusam, ale mam o tom iste pochybnosti)
To fix your cache to a certain value:
*browser.cache.memory.enable and browser.cache.disk.enable needs to be True for this to work
1. Start up Firefox
2. Type about:config in the address bar and hit Enter
3. Search for browser.cache.memory.capacity and set a number in KB to use for the memory cache (ie. 1024KB = 1MB).
4. Search for browser.cache.disk.capacity and set a number in KB to use for the disk cache (ie. 1024KB = 1MB).