
Sekcia: Ostatné 02.04.2005 | 03:53
Mac33   Návštevník
Dobry den vsetkym :) Potreboval by som rozchodit prehladavanie sieti v Slackwaru 10.1 v grafickom prostredi pod KDE 3.3.2 Po instalaci ked som klikol na prehladavanie siete mi napisalo asi toto : "The Lisa daemon does not appear to be running. In order to use the LAN Browser the Lisa daemon must be installed and activated by the system administrator." Lisu sa mi podarilo rochodit ale ak kliknem na prehladavanie siete tak vidim akurat tak seba :( Obsah /etc/lisarc PingAddresses = AllowedAddresses = BroadcastNetwork = SearchUsingNmblookup = 1 FirstWait = 30 SecondWait = -1 UpdatePeriod = 300 MaxPingsAtOnce = 256 Moja IP adresa je,a maska podsiete je Vopred dik za kazdu pomoc :)
    • Re: Lisa 02.04.2005 | 03:53
      Rado Bukoci   Návštevník
      Hmm, ja mam v tom konfiguraku este DeliverUnnamedHosts=1 PingNames= ale to mozno nei je take dolezite. Co je dolezite: Lisa ti naozaj bezi? Ked zadas #ps ax | grep lisa vypise ti napriklad: 834 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/lisa Ak nevypise nic, skus ju spustit: #lisa This is the LAN Information Server LISa 0.2.3 It is free software according the GNU General Public License Copyright (c) 2000 by Alexander Neundorf email: running on port 7741 Have fun ! :-) a pridat do /etc/rc.d/rc.local riadok /usr/bin/lisa (treba zadat plnu cestu, kde mas nainstalovanu lisu)