nenabutoval ani Knopix ani Gentoo ani Ubuntoo...
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Re: nenabutoval ani Knopix ani Gentoo ani Ubuntoo. 27.04.2006 | 03:35
petulik Kubuntu 5.10 Používateľ
Ja mam Asus A6R, pri Suse by ti mal pomoct parameter jadra pri bootovani irqpoll. Pri istatnych distrach som ja nemal problem s bootovanim. Vyskusaj noacpi a noapic, prip. nolapic.-
Re: nenabutoval ani Knopix ani Gentoo ani Ubuntoo. 26.05.2006 | 21:00
Lukáš Ubuntu 9.10 Používateľ
Na notebooku som mal problém s Xubuntu, pridal som parameter irqpoll a prešlo to. Teraz skúšam zenwalk, neviete mi niekto povedať ako pri štarte systému (po nainštalovaní a reštarte, spustil sa lilo) pridať ten parameter. ja netuším ako.Juchúúú! Písmenkujem na
Re: Re: nenabutoval ani Knopix ani Gentoo ani Ubun 27.05.2006 | 02:51--- NávštevníkWhen you see the Lilo prompt, you can hit the key to show the list of possible choices. If Lilo is not configured to be interactive, press and hold the or key before the "LILO" message appears. If you choose to boot a Linux kernel, you can add command-line arguments after the name of the system you choose. The kernel accepts many command-line arguments
Re: Re: nenabutoval ani Knopix ani Gentoo ani Ubun 27.05.2006 | 03:01--- NávštevníkWhen you see the Lilo prompt, you can hit the Tab key to show the list of possible choices. If Lilo is not configured to be interactive, press and hold the Alt or Shift key before the "LILO" message appears. If you choose to boot a Linux kernel, you can add command-line arguments after the name of the system you choose. The kernel accepts many command-line arguments. takze este raz ,nejako sa tie klavesy stratili:-)
Re: Re: Re: nenabutoval ani Knopix ani Gentoo ani 31.05.2006 | 16:39BlueWay Návštevník:) Stacilo vytiahnut mysku z USB a vsetko ide OK + este sme zmenili BIOS