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Re: postgre 04.06.2006 | 18:39:-) Návštevníkpre debian mozno najdes nieco na
Re: postgre 04.06.2006 | 19:15david Návštevníktak skusim ti trosku pomoct> 1. daj si heslo na uzivatela postgres debian:~# passwd postgres Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully 2. prihlas sa do databazy debian:~# su - postgres postgres@debian:~$ psql -d template1 dostanes toto : Welcome to psql 7.4.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help on internal slash commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit template1=# a uz pouzivas prikazy create a tak dalej. ak by si potreboval tak ti dam aj vypis suboru pghba.conf
Re: Re: postgre 05.06.2006 | 00:43misco NávštevníkAk by si mohol hod ho sem dost by mi to pomohlo... BTW dostal som sa po prihlasenie do databazy, po tom ako som zadal psql -d template1 tak mi vyhodilo chybovu hlasku "psql: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "[local]", user "postgres", database "template1", SSL off" neviete poradit co s tym??
Re: Re: Re: postgre 05.06.2006 | 21:08david Návštevníkake mas distro ? a aku verziu postgresu? ta hlaska neviem presne ale mam taky dojem ze je to nieco s userom postgres - mas ho vytvoreny to je jasne ale teraz neviem kde mas skopirovane veci pre databazu, vacsinou to byva >/usr/share/postgresql alebo /var/lib/pgsql/data zalezi od distra PostgreSQL Client Authentication Configuration File # =================================================== # # Refer to the PostgreSQL Administrator's Guide, chapter "Client # Authentication" for a complete description. A short synopsis # follows. # # This file controls: which hosts are allowed to connect, how clients # are authenticated, which PostgreSQL user names they can use, which # databases they can access. Records take one of seven forms: # # local DATABASE USER METHOD [OPTION] # host DATABASE USER IP-ADDRESS IP-MASK METHOD [OPTION] # hostssl DATABASE USER IP-ADDRESS IP-MASK METHOD [OPTION] # hostnossl DATABASE USER IP-ADDRESS IP-MASK METHOD [OPTION] # host DATABASE USER IP-ADDRESS/CIDR-MASK METHOD [OPTION] # hostssl DATABASE USER IP-ADDRESS/CIDR-MASK METHOD [OPTION] # hostnossl DATABASE USER IP-ADDRESS/CIDR-MASK METHOD [OPTION] # # (The uppercase quantities should be replaced by actual values.) # The first field is the connection type: "local" is a Unix-domain socket, # "host" is either a plain or SSL-encrypted TCP/IP socket, "hostssl" is an # SSL-encrypted TCP/IP socket, and "hostnossl" is a plain TCP/IP socket. # DATABASE can be "all", "sameuser", "samegroup", a database name (or # a comma-separated list thereof), or a file name prefixed with "@". # USER can be "all", an actual user name or a group name prefixed with # "+", an include file prefixed with "@" or a list containing either. # IP-ADDRESS and IP-MASK specify the set of hosts the record matches. # CIDR-MASK is an integer between 0 and 32 (IPv6) or 128(IPv6) # inclusive, that specifies the number of significant bits in the # mask, so an IPv4 CIDR-MASK of 8 is equivalent to an IP-MASK of #, and an IPv6 CIDR-MASK of 64 is equivalent to an IP-MASK # of ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::. METHOD can be "trust", "reject", "md5", # "crypt", "password", "krb5", "ident", or "pam". Note that # "password" uses clear-text passwords; "md5" is preferred for # encrypted passwords. OPTION is the ident map or the name of the PAM # service. # # INCLUDE FILES: # If you use include files for users and/or databases (see PostgreSQL # documentation, section 19.1), these files must be placed in the database directory. Usually this is /var/lib/postgres/data/, but # that can be changed in /etc/postgresql/postmaster.conf with the # POSTGRES_DATA variable. Putting them in /etc/postgresql/ will NOT # work since the configuration files are only symlinked from # POSTGRES_DATA. # # This file is read on server startup and when the postmaster receives # a SIGHUP signal. If you edit the file on a running system, you have # to SIGHUP the postmaster for the changes to take effect, or use # "pg_ctl reload". # # Upstream default configuration # # The following configuration is the upstream default, which allows # unrestricted access to amy database by any user on the local machine. # # TYPE DATABASE USER IP-ADDRESS IP-MASK METHOD # #local all all trust # IPv4-style local connections: #host all all trust # IPv6-style local connections: # # Put your actual configuration here # ---------------------------------- # # This default configuration allows any local user to connect as himself # without a password, either through a Unix socket or through TCP/IP; users # on other machines are denied access. # # If you want to allow non-local connections, you need to add more # "host" records before the final line that rejects all TCP/IP connections. # Also, remember TCP/IP connections are only enabled if you enable # "tcpip_socket" in /etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf. # # DO NOT DISABLE! # If you change this first entry you will need to make sure the postgres user # can access the database using some other method. The postgres user needs # non-interactive access to all databases during automatic maintenance # (see the vacuum command and the /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/do.maintenance # script).
Re: Re: Re: Re: postgre 05.06.2006 | 21:19david Návštevníkmas inicializovany db server a cluster??? ak nie tak > inicializacia db clustera > init -D - mozes ho spusit len ako user postgres db server sa vola postmaster > prikaz > postmaster -D /cesta skus, daj vediet
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: postgre 06.06.2006 | 20:52misco Návštevníktakze mam Debian GNU/Linux, verzia postgre je 7.4.7-5 k tej hlaske... mna aj napadlo ze moze byt nieco s tym, len som si nebol isty...pri instalacii sa ma pytalo, ci chcem zmenit priecinok pre data. Nastavil som ho na home/misco/postgres, lenze v tomto adresari su vsetky konfiguraky prazdne, a navyse povodne v /var/lib/pgsql/data su zmazane. Tak teraz neviem co je lahsie spravit, ci odinstalovat postgre a znovu natiahnut alebo existuje aj ine riesenie (lahsie)??
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: postgre 06.06.2006 | 22:24
uid0 Debian Používateľ
dpkg-reconfigure postgresqlDebian. apt-get into it… -
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: postgre 06.06.2006 | 22:41misco Návštevníktakze trochu som spekuloval a znovu som nahodil postgre a nechal povodne nastavenia...isiel som podla toho co si mi pisal tak skusim ti trosku pomoct> 1. daj si heslo na uzivatela postgres debian:~# passwd postgres Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully 2. prihlas sa do databazy debian:~# su - postgres postgres@debian:~$ psql -d template1 dostanes toto : Welcome to psql 7.4.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: copyright for distribution terms h for help with SQL commands ? for help on internal slash commands g or terminate with semicolon to execute query q to quit template1=# a uz pouzivas prikazy create a tak dalej. ale neviem co dalej, ci treba este nieco nastavit, alebo treba vytvorit databazy potrebne pre pracu... BTW: PhpPgAdmin hlasi tuto chybu Your PHP installation does not support PostgreSQL. You need to recompile PHP using the --with-pgsql configure option. kde je problem, treba nastavit php konfiguraciu?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: postgre 06.06.2006 | 23:21david Návštevníkcau ked si sa uz dostal do postgresql - treba vytvorit databazy > CREATE DATABASE meno; potom sa na nu connectnes /c prava;
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: postgre 06.06.2006 | 23:21david Návštevníkcau ked si sa uz dostal do postgresql - treba vytvorit databazy > CREATE DATABASE meno; potom sa na nu connectnes /c prava;
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: postgre 06.06.2006 | 23:21david Návštevníkcau ked si sa uz dostal do postgresql - treba vytvorit databazy > CREATE DATABASE meno; potom sa na nu connectnes /c prava;
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: postgre 06.06.2006 | 23:26david Návštevníksorry blbla mi opera na vytvorenie databazy : CREATE DATABASE meno; pripojis sa na nu : \d meno; dalej uz pouzivas prikazy pre postgres - ich zoznam je: \h s tym phpadmin ti neporadim, nepouzivam zatial.