problem s bootovanim UBUNTU 6.06
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Re: problem s bootovanim UBUNTU 6.06 08.07.2006 | 21:50
KiLo Debian stable Používateľ
prva linka v google, snad pomoze: Hi people, I had the same problem a few days ago after an upgrade. What I did was to follow the steps detailed here. Basically what I did was to boot with the Elive live cd, umount my debian '/' partition, create a /mnt/debian directory and mount debian there. After that, I ran chroot /mnt/debian /bin/bash, then apt-get update, and then apt-get install /dev/dsp > /dev/sda - ovladanie pocitaca hlasom-
Re: Re: problem s bootovanim UBUNTU 6.06 09.07.2006 | 16:25webblaster Návštevníkuz som to vyriesil pod to este treba v grube napisat savedefault boot