Mam problem pri instalacii Fedora Core 5 a aj 6 (64-bit edicie). Po rozdeleni disku (je jedno ci rucne alebo to necham na installere), a zacati formatonai partcii sa installer zastavi. ked sa prepnem na ine konzole tak tam mam tieto vypisi:
Konzola 1:
ERROR: isw: wrong # of devices in RAID ser "isw?caeccaibfc_Volume0" [1/2] on dev/sda
Error: isw device for "Volume" broken on /dev/sda in RAID set "isw?caeccibfc_Volume0"
Konzola 2:
INFO: formating / as ext3
INFO: formating ['usr/sbin/mke2fs, '/tp/sda4'. '-i', '4069, '-j']
Konzola 4:
ata3: port is slow to respond, please be patient
ata: abnormalstatus 0xD0 on port 0x9E7