Chcu spoplatnit linux
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Re: Chcu spoplatnit linux 29.12.2006 | 17:13
uid0 Debian Používateľ
nas mily SCO, ktory po to On November 29 and December 1, 2006, two critical decisions were released. In the first, Judge Dale A. Kimball affirmed Judge Brooke Wells' June 28, 2006 Order [8] striking most of SCO's claimed evidence of code misuse as being too vague to be worth adjudicating. In the second, Wells ruled from the bench in accepting IBM's motion to limit SCO's claims to those supported by evidence submitted by December 22, 2005 and not rejected by the court[9]. After the first ruling, Groklaw reported that "SCO is toast"[10]. SCO stockholders seem to have agreed and there was a run on SCO stock, which lost roughly 50% of its value in 3 days of exceptionally heavy trading.m procese akosi zacal krachovat :D apt-get into it…-
Re: Re: Chcu spoplatnit linux 29.12.2006 | 17:14
uid0 Debian Používateľ
lol. dobre som to pastol :DDebian. apt-get into it…
Re: Chcu spoplatnit linux 29.12.2006 | 15:48--- Návštevníkked uz nieco hladas tak hladaj aktualne clanky a nie viac ako 3 roky stary brak
Re: Re: Chcu spoplatnit linux 29.12.2006 | 17:04
Dare_devil Debian, OpenSuse Používateľ
LOL :D nevadi :)There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people