Gentoo [stage1], aky zvolit portage profil

Sekcia: Konfigurácia 31.12.2006 | 23:12
Srigi   Návštevník
Hi, idem teda na Gentoo zo stage1 (uz treti pokus). Po updatenuti Portage som si vsimol symlink /etc/make.profile. Standartne ukazuje do /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/no-nptl. Trocha som googlil a zistil, ze nptl = Native POSIX Thread Library (NPTL) is a thread library which is, unlike previous attempts, a very thin layer on top of the kernel. This helps to achieve a maximum of performance for a minimal price. Mno je tam dalsi adresar, na ktory moze link ukazovat a to konkretne /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2006.1. Takze, mozem si link prepisat aby som benefitoval z NPTL? Alebo jednoducho co odporucate? THX