Microcom ad 2622 a kubuntu 6.10

Sekcia: Hardware a Drivery 03.02.2007 | 22:13
Avatar Lubos21   Používateľ
Tento modem som nainstaloval bez problemu v dreamlinuxe, ubuntu 6.06, fedore 5, danixe. Dnes som ho chcel nainstalovat do kubuntu 6.10 a vobec sa mi ho nedari rozbehat. Firmware sa bez problemu nacita. Problem je ak zadam prikaz pppoeconf. Po zadani tohto prikazu mi vypise nasledovne:

I found 1 ethernet device:

Are all your ethernet interfaces listened above? (If No, modconf will be started so you can load the card drivers manually)

Or pres ESC to abort here.

Tam su moznosti Ano alebo Nie. Ja zadam Ano. Potom mi napise looking for PPPoE Access Conectrator on nas0


Looking for PPPoE Access Conectrator on nas0
(multi-modem mode)

A skonci to nasledovne

Sorry, I scanned 1 interface, but the Access Conectrator of you provider did net respodent. Please check your network and modem cable. Another reason for the scan failure may also be another running pppoe process which contol the modem.

    • Re: Microcom ad 2622 a kubuntu 6.10 09.02.2007 | 02:08
      sebo   Návštevník
      musis dat najprv stdsl.sh start pred pppoeconf a ten stdsl musis mat upraveny na pppoeconf