
Sekcia: Ostatné 08.08.2007 | 11:51
Avatar Predrag Ubuntu 10.04  Používateľ
Caute,chcel by som sa opytat ci je mozne ze ak si sam skompilujem ieaky program napr:Mplayer tak po kompilacii a vytvoreni .deb balika sa mi vytvori x86 balik?Kedysi som si ho tiez skompiloval ale vytvoril sa mi normalne balicek pre 64 bit?
Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Pa 1510, Ati Radeon x 1100.
    • Re: Kompilacia 12.08.2007 | 21:14
      Avatar Predrag Ubuntu 10.04  Používateľ
      caute mam taky problem za pri kompilacii Zlib co je nieaka kniznica vsetko slo hladko az kym osm chcel vytvoril deb balicek:sudo checkinstall.Vtedy mi vypisalo chybu
      /usr/bin/checkinstall: line 1151: dpkg-architecture: príkaz nenájdený

      This package will be built according to these values:

      0 - Maintainer: [ root@Schumacher ]
      1 - Summary: [ Package created with checkinstall 1.6.0 ]
      2 - Name: [ zlib ]
      3 - Version: [ 1.2.3 ]
      4 - Release: [ 1 ]
      5 - License: [ GPL ]
      6 - Group: [ checkinstall ]
      7 - Architecture: [ i386 ]
      8 - Source location: [ zlib-1.2.3 ]
      9 - Alternate source location: [ ]
      10 - Requires: [ ]

      Copying files to the temporary directory...OK

      Striping ELF binaries and libraries...OK

      Compressing man pages...OK

      Building file list...OK

      Building Debian package...OK

      Installing Debian package... FAILED!

      *** Failed to install the package

      lenze ja mam 64bit a neviem preoc mi vytvori i386 balicek.skusal som skompilovat aj ine veci napr MPlayer a to iste nestretli ste sa s niecim podobnym?
      Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Pa 1510, Ati Radeon x 1100.
      • Re: Kompilacia 12.08.2007 | 21:48
        kilo   Návštevník
        This package will be built according to these values:

        0 - Maintainer: [ root@Schumacher ]
        1 - Summary: [ Package created with checkinstall 1.6.0 ]
        2 - Name: [ zlib ]
        3 - Version: [ 1.2.3 ]
        4 - Release: [ 1 ]
        5 - License: [ GPL ]
        6 - Group: [ checkinstall ]
        7 - Architecture: [ i386 ]
        8 - Source location: [ zlib-1.2.3 ]
        9 - Alternate source location: [ ]
        10 - Requires: [ ]

        toto ked ti da, stlac 7 a napis amd64
        • Re: Kompilacia 12.08.2007 | 22:58
          Avatar Predrag Ubuntu 10.04  Používateľ
          diky velmi pekne.funguje to
          Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Pa 1510, Ati Radeon x 1100.