# Configuration for faubackup
package FAUBACKUP;
# default directory for backups
# MACHINE is replaced by the machines hostname
# DIR is replaced by the source directory, with '/' made '-'
#$backup = "/backup/MACHINE/DIR"; # <-- to use one directory per host
$backup = "/backup250/eltras07/MACHINE:DIR";
# should new backup destination directories be created automatically?
$autocreate = 1;
# keep old backups for that long:
# (0 means: only keep a backup for current year/month/etc.,
# -1 means: don't store backups for that year/month/etc.)
#$keepyears = 2;
#$keepmonths = 12;
#$keepweeks = 4;
$keepdays = 7;
# files to ignore
#@ignore = qw( **.o **/cache **/Cache **/nobackup );
"/etc/faubackup.conf" 30 lines, 766 characters
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
je to:
ak robis denne backupy a chces ich uchovat sedem - teda za jeden tyzden tak:
$keepdays = 7;
ak robis tyzdenny backup a chces ho uchovat presne tyzden tak:
$keepweeks = 1;
ale treba ich cistit a to takto:
faubackup --clean