Debian má 29
Ian A Murdock poslal 16.8.1993 15:05:37 nasledovný email.
Ten začínal nasledovne:
Fellow Linuxers,
This is just to announce the imminent completion of a brand-new Linux release,
which I'm calling the Debian Linux Release. This is a release that I have put
together basically from scratch; in other words, I didn't simply make some
changes to SLS and call it a new release. I was inspired to put together this
release after running SLS and generally being dissatisfied with much of it,
and after much altering of SLS I decided that it would be easier to start
from scratch. The base system is now virtually complete (though I'm still
looking around to make sure that I grabbed the most recent sources for
everything), and I'd like to get some feedback before I add the "fancy" stuff.
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
Neviem presne koľko rokov to bolo dozadu, ale vtedy som priebežne skúšal viac distier lebo neboli tak vyzreté ako dnes a vždy mi vyšiel ako najstabilnejšie práve Debian. Síce v stable používa staršie balíky a nie je pro tých, čo sa ženú za novými verziami ako v testing, ale o to stabilnejšie distro. Takže za mňa jedno z naj distribúcií aj aj doteraz ho používa x distier ako základ (aj Q4OS).
ano Deian je konzervativny a stabilny, preto ma starsie verzie programov a to vadi niektorym ze sa vyvyja pomaly.
Dost som sa divil ked prijali systemd od RH. stacil by systemd shim
Ale nastastie je tu devuan.
Co som bol prekvapeny, ze Peppermint po odchode z ubuntu na Debian spravil este verziu na Devuane.