Fork Zenwalk GNU/Linux sa volá Salix OS
Po nezhodách časti týmu Zenwalk s jeho vedením, nikto nečakal, že títo "odídenci" na čele s George Vlahavas (gapan) vytvoria fork Zenwalk kódu a dajú mu názov Salix OS (32-bit). Nový OS sa snaží dostať opäť čo najbližšie ku Slackware a je s ním aj plne spätne-kompatibilný. Informácie aj na
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
Zenwalk faces many problems for 6.2 :
- less packagers
- less testers
- grub2 problems (mainly related to the first two problems)
- xorg problems (idem)
- no zenlive maintained (I currently make a new procedure to create Zenlive
based on Akuna work. I think I could then use it for Salix. I hope we could
discuss about it with Akuna when it works :p)
- many packages not updated to latest version available or dropped from the repo.
This distro has some difficulties, the quality is not present. I hope Salix
will be better...