Microsoft po indicky.
Indický štát Tamil Nadu sa rozhodol prostredníctvom na to poverenej spoločnosti ELCOT, distribuovať 100,000 Linux (SuSe a Ubuntu) laptopov pre svojich študentov. Toto múdre rozhodnutie je na základe ponuky Microsoftu. Bližšie podrobnosti sú uvedené v zdroji správy.
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
mohlo by to byt aj na slovensku tak. ale to sa tu uz rozoberalo...
vypocul som si zaujimavu hadku, kratka rekonstrukcia:
- tu je ten windows od joza
- od joza? vsak ale ten ma ten sprosty co pise ze je nelegalny to si nemohol od kamila doniest?
- kamil je na dovolenke a juro je na sluzobke v rakusku
- a to ostatny maju odkoho?
atd atd atd... slovenskoooooooo
Cize, este sa nikto 100% nerozhodol. A uvidite, ze sa s Microsoftom nakoniec dohodnu.
No a ja tvrdim, ze to aj zmeni.
A za 500Sk , no nekúp to ! :-)
Ps : Ale som si dobre kopol ! :-)
jaaaaaaj... disk => zisk... neviem pisat...
inak india nie je druha najludnatejsia krajina
cina ma uz davno regulovanu porodnost... v indii nic take nie je, a stale sa zvysuje zivotna uroven a zdravotna starostlivost...
inak kedysi mal sovietsky zvaz 250 000 000 ludi... a teraz ma rusko dakych 140... cim to asi je? :)
A inak šak existujú sovietske distrá , trebars Greenie :-), a prečo je to tak ? Lebo keď si sa narodil pred ´89 tak si soviet . Tam je aspoň vidieť prečo je tá dnešná generácia taká drzá(<19) :-).
Tak šup-šup učiť sa Internacionálu.
Operating System :
Dual Boot
ELCOT is preloading the Student Laptop with SUSE Linux Enterprise Edition. Is it possible for me to change the Operating system of the laptop to Microsoft Windows? Is it possible to use dual boot system with both Linux and Windows?
Dual boot is an old technique. The latest virtualisation technology enables working with multiple operating systems without reboot. ELCOT has preloaded Virtual Box, a powerful virtualisation software in the Student Laptop. Just double click at the virtual box icon and install any number of operating systems within Linux, including Win-95, Win-98, XP, Vista, Solaris, Netware, other distros of linux etc. There is no performance degradation while using Virtual Box supported second/third/fourth operating system. Now you can work with multiple operating systems simultaneously within Linux (as yet another Window). Use Right Control AND F keys to toggle between operating systems. Pressing Right control key + F key enables you to minimise the operating system in which you are working. Thus by minimising one operating system you can either get back to the Suse linux OS or any other OS installed in your Student Laptop. You can delete an operating system inside Virtual Box software. We provide full support for Linux and Virtual Box software but we do not provide any support for Windows OS. (It is painful to provide support for Windows OS because of the computer viruses and security holes)
Windows XP
I would like to have Windows XP? Will that be already installed or should I install it myself? ELCOT does not supply Windows operating system. The laptop supplied by ELCOT comes preloaded with Suse Linux Enterprise Edition Ver.10.1. ELCOT has preloaded a state of the art virtualisation software named Virtual Box. Virtual Box enables installing any number of Operating system(s) within Linux. Virtual Box is a free software. You can buy and install Windows OS using the Virtual Box software or you can transfer any existing operating system licence to the newly acquired laptop using Virtual Box software.