Pred 17-timi rokmi to začalo
5. októbra 1991 poslal Linus Benedict Torvalds na adresu comp.os.minix vzácny email s názvom "Free minix-like kernel sources for 386-AT". Zdroj správy je tu. Cryptonomicom "In the Beginning was the Command Line".
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
btw ako dlho existuje internet? pokial viem tak v tom case nebolo pripojenie do internetu vecou kazdej domacnosti...
The first ARPANET link was established between the University of California, Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute on 22:30 hours on October 29, 1969.
v Europe bol od roku 1984
Between 1984 and 1988 CERN began installation and operation of TCP/IP to interconnect its major internal computer systems, workstations, PCs and an accelerator control system. CERN continued to operate a limited self-developed system CERNET internally and several incompatible (typically proprietary) network protocols externally. There was considerable resistance in Europe towards more widespread use of TCP/IP and the CERN TCP/IP intranets remained isolated from the Internet until 1989.
a neakademicky Interenet zacal az v roku 1986 (dovtedy boli na intrenete univerzity, armada a vlady)
The first dial-up on the West Coast, was Best Internet - now Verio, opened in 1986. The first dialup ISP in the East was, opened in 1989. wiki
aj programovacich jazykov tu
a ten typek to dokonca aktualizuje...
momentalne by to nebolo velmi narocne :D