Sekcia: Konfigurácia 19.09.2007 | 14:59
janik   Návštevník

mal by som jednu otazocku, neviete ako funguje
a viete tiez o nejakom symantec spam zozname ? na akej je adrese?

moj postovy server sa totizto nachadza na jeho zozname( a vraj aj symantec), lepsie povedane jeho IP adresa,
ten server sluzi len ako web a posta ziadny router alebo podobne... takze ak by to bol nejaky cerv na lokalnej sieti to mozem vylucit, ale nechapem preco som na tom zozname... moj postak nie je open relay, pouzivam sasl autentifikaciu na posielanie majlov tak nechapem :(((

viete mi niekto poradit co by som mal skusit?
    • Re: SPAM a SMTP 20.09.2007 | 00:51
      Avatar Milan Dvorský debian,mint kde,android  Administrátor
      tak toto som zvedavy aj ja ... lebo u nas v robote sa nam vcera nasa jedna IP ocitla v spamcope, a este v jednom ... zo vsetkych sme ju dostali von (posielat grafiku pocasia do noveho casu a inych novin bola sranda) este pred zrebovanim kena nastastie ale dnes sme zas v spamcope ... a pritom nasa GW ma na 25 blokovane vonkajsie pristupy ... a v logoch servra sme nenasli nic cudne.
    • Re: SPAM a SMTP 20.09.2007 | 12:47
      janik   Návštevník
      tak som tam napisal, a problemom su moje auto odpovede... hmmm, fajn, ja by som ich velice rad zrusil ale ako to vysvetlim userom, ked na tom trvaju :((

      celkom sa mi pozdava riesenie pouzit inu IP na autoodpoved, hmm alebo co by ste mi poradili vy?

      tu je odpoved zo SPAMCOP - u, mozno to niekomu pomoze tiez ;)
      This server is sending delayed bounces/challenge response mails/out of
      office mails/other robotic mails in response to forged spam.  Some of
      these bounces were received by our spamtraps.
      Spamtraps are email addresses that do not exist and have never existed;
      they do not send mail and they should never receive mail. Nearly all of
      the viruses, worms, and other malware now in circulation forge the
      "From:" addresses in spam. This generates bounce messages to email
      addresses which did not actually send the email and had nothing to do
      with the original email. This does not affect only Spamcop's spamtraps,
      blocking lists, and reporters, but also normal users everywhere -- your
      server is likely sending out large volumes of these bounces to innocent
      Some suggestions:
      1) If you need more evidence of this problem, please check your own
      postmaster/mailer-daemon account for double-bounces.
      2) If you are going to reject mail, do it DURING the SMTP conversation
      with your mail gateway rather than after. Rejecting mail after accepting
      it generates a delayed bounce generates a delayed bounce message
      3) If you absolutely must send delayed bounces or other robotic replies,
      do it from a "sacrificial lamb" IP, so that if it is listed in blocking
      lists, the rest of your email will not be blocked.
      4) Instead of sending bounces for invalid accounts, create a catch-all
      account to accept mis-addressed mail.  Assign a human being to sort
      through the mail and decide what to do with it.  It is likely you will
      find the vast majority of the mail is not worth bouncing at all.  If you
      find accounts you do want to bounce, then bounce mail for those accounts
      at the gateway.
      5) Make certain that the bounces you generate are RFC compliant and use
      a null < > return-path.  See RFC2821 sections 3.7 and 4.5.5 for more
      6) If Majordomo replies with a "help" message in response to inbound
      spam, these URLs may be useful: