ntfs-3g instalovany mam
Mountovanie /media/hda1 zlyhalo.
$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)
Failed to mount '/dev/disk/by-uuid/968032D38032B997': Operation not supported
Mount is denied because NTFS logfile is unclean. Choose one action:
Boot Windows and shutdown it cleanly, or if you have a removable
device then click the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows
taskbar notification area before disconnecting it.
Run ntfsfix version 1.13.1 on Linux unless you have Vista.
Mount the NTFS volume with the 'ro' option in read-only mode.
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
ERROR: You must specify a device.
ntfsfix v1.13.1 (libntfs 9:0:0)
Usage: ntfsfix [options] device
Attempt to fix an NTFS partition.
-h, --help Display this help
-V, --version Display version information
For example: ntfsfix /dev/hda6
Developers' email address: linux-ntfs-dev@lists.sf.net
Linux NTFS homepage: http://www.linux-ntfs.org
mirka@ubuntu:~$ ntfsfix /dev/hda1
Refusing to operate on read-write mounted device /dev/hda1.
mirka@ubuntu:~$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/hda1
Refusing to operate on read-write mounted device /dev/hda1.
sudo ntfsfix /dev/hda1
sudo umount /media/hda1
sudo ntfsfix /dev/hda1
mirka@ubuntu:~$ df -h
Filesystem Veľk Použ Dost Pou% Namontovaný na
/dev/hda7 31G 3,4G 26G 12% /
varrun 252M 100K 252M 1% /var/run
varlock 252M 0 252M 0% /var/lock
procbususb 252M 108K 252M 1% /proc/bus/usb
udev 252M 108K 252M 1% /dev
devshm 252M 0 252M 0% /dev/shm
lrm 252M 33M 219M 14% /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/volatile
ak je windows len hibernovaný (a to vyzerá byť), tam mu môžeš pomaly zamávať na cestu. Teda pokiaľ mu zmeníš obsah daného disku.