Problem so zdielanim (Verejny suborovy server) v kde
Publikacia novej sluzby na sieti zlyhala (ZeroConf). Server bude fungovat spravne aj bez nej.
Co sa s tym da robit? pise to pri kazdom zapnuti PC. Pretoze mam nastaveny Verejny suborovy server po zapnuti PC aby som mohol data hned kopirovat.
Co je to za chyba? Ako sa da odstranit?
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
Re: Problem so zdielanim (Verejny suborovy server) v kde 07.01.2008 | 10:41
samox86 arch, debian Administrátor
neviem ci zeroconf nie je na bluetooth. ak chces zdielat subory medzi linuxami odporucam ti NFS - network file sharing. staci zaeditovat /etc/exports a restartnut sluzbu exportfs -r no a na clientovi namountujeme prikazom mount napr. mount ip:/media/hda3 /media/nfs da sa to cez lkikatka v KDE ale toot je - virtualne servery; -
Re: Problem so zdielanim (Verejny suborovy server) v kde 08.01.2008 | 13:18
Ladislav Michnovic SuSE Používateľ
Wikipedia ti napovie: Zeroconf or Zero Configuration Networking is a set of techniques that automatically create a usable IP network without configuration or special servers. This allows inexpert users to connect computers, networked printers, and other items together and expect them to work automatically. Without Zeroconf or something similar, a knowledgeable user must either set up special services, like DHCP and DNS, or set up each computer's network settings by hand, which is a tedious task, and is challenging for non-technical people.Only man who sells empty boxes is the undertaker.