mam problem s inkscapem, teda presnejsie v tom ze sa mi neda menit pismo. Jednoduch ked dam zmenit pismo cez zakladnu ponuku( to je cez ikonku a potom v hornom panely zmenit) tak vobec nereaguje a ked dam zmenit cez ponuky text > text tak pismo zmeni ale po potvrdeny apply a koniec spadne cely program.
Chcem sa spytat ci je to podla vas chyba programu alebo mam nieco zle nastavene
ked som to spustil cez konzolu tak tu je vypis:
** (inkscape:4231): WARNING **: Family name Bitstream Vera Sans does not have an entry in the font lister.
[michal@Arch ~]$ inkscape
** (inkscape:4232): WARNING **: Family name Bitstream Vera Sans does not have an entry in the font lister.
Error:Could not open configuration file 'pedro.ini' for reading
** (inkscape:4232): WARNING **: Family name Bitstream Vera Sans does not have an entry in the font lister.
Emergency save activated!
Emergency save document locations:
Dokument bez názvu 2.2008_05_10_09_23_03.0
Emergency save completed. Inkscape will close now.
If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at
with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.
(inkscape:4232): GLib-WARNING **: g_main_loop_run(): called recursively from within a source's check() or prepare() member, iteration not possible.
Chyba segmentácie
Inak ten subor co nemoze otvorit, ten patri komu?
moja hlaska z konzoly:
$ inkscape
Emergency save activated!
Emergency save document locations:
New document 1.2008_05_12_11_26_08.0
Emergency save completed. Inkscape will close now.
If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at
with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.
(inkscape:3775): GLib-WARNING **: g_main_context_prepare(): main loop already active in another thread
Segmentation fault
pozeral som bug reporty na a nenasiel som tam nic k inkscapu, takze by to bolo dobre nahlasit. niesi tam registrovany aby si to poslal? mne sa tvorit dalsi account nechce.
registrovany tam som tak im to poslem
a este raz fakt dik