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Vyšlo „paralelné vydanie“ (nie úplná aktualizácia) verzie AV Linux MX Edition.
Zdroj: AV Linux
Priatelia želám Vám do Nového roku 2025 všetko dobré, nech sa Vám vo svete Linuxu darí a z mojej strany ďakujem všetkým, ktorí akýmkoľvek spôsobom prispievajú na tento web. Či sú to už správy o zaujímavých novinkách, komentáre v diskusiách alebo blogy, ktoré niekedy zaberú aj pol dňa klepania na úkor svojho času. O to väčšia vďaka, PF 2025.
3. ročník Bratislava OpenCamp sa uskutoční 5. 4. 2025
Po covidových rokoch a ďalších prekážkach je pred nami tretí ročník, ktorý sa uskutoční v apríli 2025 na FIIT STU v Bratislave. Prvý aj druhý ročník konferencie sa tešil účasti okolo 300 ľudí, veríme že tretí ročník bude ešte lákavejší.
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Aj v roku 2025 sa v Bruseli uskutoční podujatie "Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting" (FOSDEM). Viac na jeho stránkach.
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Vznikla česká webová stránka venovaná distribúcii EndeavourOS s podporou Táto distribúcia je založená na Arch linuxe. Inštalácia je založená na Calamares.
V rámci updatov k 1.6.2024 bol vydaný respin MX linuxu pre single board počítač Orange Pi.
Zdroj: Mxlinux org
Vyšla nová verzia rolling-update distribúcie Manjaro, ktorá spája silu Arch Linuxu s jednoduchosťou user-friendly distribúcii. Okrem najnovšieho jadra je k dispozícii pre priaznivcov KDE aj najnovšie rozhranie Plasma 6. Manjaro vychádza vo verziách s KDE, GNOME a XFCE.
Zdroj: Distrowatch
Bola vydaná verzia 0.10 textového editoru neovim. Nová verzia obsahuje množstvo vylepšení LSP protokolu, zvýrazňovania syntaxe pomocou Tree-sitteru a ďalších menších zmien. Kompletný zoznam noviniek je dostupný v oznámení o vydaní.
Retro distribúcia arix prináša prostredie kde 1.1.2 na Debian 13 (trixie).
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/sbin/modprobe i2c-isa /sbin/modprobe w83781d
, ale opat s chybami :([root@localhost /]# /usr/sbin/sensors-detect This program will help you determine which I2C/SMBus modules you need to load to use lm_sensors most effectively. You need to have i2c and lm_sensors installed before running this program. Also, you need to be `root', or at least have access to the /dev/i2c-* files, for most things. If you have patched your kernel and have some drivers built in, you can safely answer NO if asked to load some modules. In this case, things may seem a bit confusing, but they will still work. It is generally safe and recommended to accept the default answers to all questions, unless you know what you're doing. We can start with probing for (PCI) I2C or SMBus adapters. You do not need any special privileges for this. Do you want to probe now? (YES/no): Y Probing for PCI bus adapters... Use driver `i2c-viapro' for device 00:11.0: VIA Technologies VT8237 South Bridge Probe succesfully concluded. We will now try to load each adapter module in turn. Module `i2c-viapro' already loaded. If you have undetectable or unsupported adapters, you can have them scanned by manually loading the modules before running this script. To continue, we need module `i2c-dev' to be loaded. If it is built-in into your kernel, you can safely skip this. i2c-dev is already loaded. We are now going to do the adapter probings. Some adapters may hang halfway through; we can't really help that. Also, some chips will be double detected; we choose the one with the highest confidence value in that case. If you found that the adapter hung after probing a certain address, you can specify that address to remain unprobed. That often includes address 0x69 (clock chip). Can't exec "i2cdetect": není souborem ani adresářem at /usr/sbin/sensors-detect line 5037, line 1.
Couldn't find i2cdetect program!! at /usr/sbin/sensors-detect line 5037, line 1.
[root@localhost /]# sensors -v sensors version 2.9.1 with libsensors version 2.9.1
whereis i2cdetect
ak napíše /usr/sbin/i2cdetect, tak ako root napíšte:ln -s /usr/sbin/i2cdetect /usr/local/sbin/i2cdetect
. Sensors-detect (táto verzia) hľadá uvedený príkaz v adresári /usr/local/sbin/, vy ho však možno máte v /usr/sbin, čiže takto vytvoríte symlink. Mohlo by to byť týmto. V tom poslednom príspevku je opísané, ako zavádzať príslušné moduly po štarte systému, ak by to bol problém.Now follows a summary of the probes I have just done. Just press ENTER to continue: Driver `eeprom' (should be inserted): Detects correctly: * Bus `SMBus Via Pro adapter at 5000' Busdriver `i2c-viapro', I2C address 0x50 Chip `SPD EEPROM' (confidence: 8) * Bus `SMBus Via Pro adapter at 5000' Busdriver `i2c-viapro', I2C address 0x51 Chip `SPD EEPROM' (confidence: 8) Driver `w83627hf' (should be inserted): Detects correctly: * ISA bus address 0x0290 (Busdriver `i2c-isa') Chip `Winbond W83627HF Super IO Sensors' (confidence: 9) I will now generate the commands needed to load the I2C modules. Sometimes, a chip is available both through the ISA bus and an I2C bus. ISA bus access is faster, but you need to load an additional driver module for it. If you have the choice, do you want to use the ISA bus or the I2C/SMBus (ISA/smbus)? y To make the sensors modules behave correctly, add these lines to /etc/modules.conf: #----cut here---- # I2C module options alias char-major-89 i2c-dev #----cut here---- To load everything that is needed, add this to some /etc/rc* file: #----cut here---- # I2C adapter drivers modprobe i2c-viapro modprobe i2c-isa # I2C chip drivers modprobe eeprom modprobe w83627hf # sleep 2 # optional /usr/bin/sensors -s # recommended #----cut here---- WARNING! If you have some things built into your kernel, the list above will contain too many modules. Skip the appropriate ones! You really should try these commands right now to make sure everything is working properly. Monitoring programs won't work until it's done. Do you want to generate /etc/sysconfig/lm_sensors? (YES/no): y Copy prog/init/lm_sensors.init to /etc/rc.d/init.d/lm_sensors for initialization at boot time.
mam sa riadit podla tohto ? /etc/modules.conf neexistoval tak som ho vytvoril a dal som do neho toto#----cut here---- # I2C module options alias char-major-89 i2c-dev #----cut here----
ale neviem co ma znamenat toto :/etc/rc* file
kde to mam najst ? /vytvorit/[gunsenroses@localhost ~]$ sensors No sensors found!
v biose mam all povolene a nstavene, takze neviem kde je problem :([root@localhost media]# sensors w83627hf-isa-0290 Adapter: ISA adapter VCore 1: +4.08 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM (beep) VCore 2: +4.08 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM (beep) +3.3V: +4.08 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM (beep) +5V: +6.85 V (min = +6.85 V, max = +6.85 V) ALARM (beep) +12V: +15.50 V (min = +15.50 V, max = +15.50 V) ALARM (beep) -12V: +6.06 V (min = +6.06 V, max = +6.06 V) ALARM (beep) -5V: +5.10 V (min = +5.10 V, max = +5.10 V) ALARM (beep) V5SB: +6.85 V (min = +6.85 V, max = +6.85 V) ALARM (beep) VBat: +4.08 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM (beep) fan1: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM, div = 128) ALARM (beep) fan2: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM, div = 128) ALARM (beep) fan3: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM, div = 128) ALARM (beep) temp1: -1°C (high = -1°C, hyst = -1°C) sensor = diode ALARM (beep) temp2: +0.0°C (high = +0°C, hyst = +0°C) sensor = diode ALARM (beep) temp3: +0.0°C (high = +0°C, hyst = +0°C) sensor = diode ALARM (beep) vid: +0.000 V (VRM Version 2.4) alarms: Chassis intrusion detection ALARM beep_enable: Sound alarm enabled
dobra vec je ze to konecne nieco robi, druha vec, ze ta teplota -1C na procaku je troska "blba" :))/usr/sbin/sensors-detect
stale prebieha s mnoha errormy :/ este nejake napady chalani ? ...