[root@localhost My Downloads]# dosemu
Please enter the name of a directory which contains a bootable
DOS [ENTER = the default /usr/share/dosemu/freedos]
Going to install your private DOSEMU-freedos files into the directory
Enter an empty string to confirm, a new path (the files will then
be installed in a subdirectory named "dosemu" under that new path),
or "none" (without the quotes) if you don't want a writable
Creating symbolic link for bootdirectory as /root/.dosemu/drives/c
DOSEMU will run on _this_ terminal.
To exit you need to execute 'exitemu' from within DOS,
because -C and 'exit' won't work!
Now type ENTER to start DOSEMU or C to cancel
The Linux DOSEMU, Copyright (C) 2003 the 'DOSEMU-Development-Team'.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
COPYING for more details. Use this program at your own risk!
By continuing execution of this program, you are stating that you
have read the file COPYING and the above liability disclaimer and
that you accept these conditions.
Enter 'yes' to confirm/continue: yes
vm86plus service not available in your kernel
co je vm86plus ? , ako to rozchodim ?
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
Re: dosemu 10.08.2005 | 02:39q-parser NávštevníkNeviem co to je, ale je to isto v kerneli. Treba to zapnut a prekompilovat jadro.
Re: Re: dosemu 10.08.2005 | 23:32
marián Fedora,Vector,Slack Používateľ
no to viem aj ja ze je to v kerneli, ale ci sa s tym niekto nestretol a nepomoze mi, lebo ja si s tym neviem poradit