sensors / acpi - nefunguje

Sekcia: Hardware a Drivery 22.10.2009 | 00:49
Avatar Zefram Cochrane MS Windows Vista Ultimate 64bi  Používateľ
Nefunguje mi program sensors. Pri autodetekcii mi navrhol modul smsc47m1, ked sa ho pokusim pouzit zahlasi chybu:

$ sudo modprobe smsc47m1
FATAL: Error inserting smsc47m1 (/lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/kernel/drivers/hwmon/smsc47m1.ko): Device or resource busy

$ dmesg
[ 69.910126] smsc47m1: Found SMSC LPC47M15x/LPC47M192/LPC47M997
[ 69.910191] ACPI: I/O resource smsc47m1 [0x680-0x6ff] conflicts with ACPI region RUNT [0x680-0x6ff]
[ 69.910199] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver

Na Ubuntu 8.04 to fungovalo ale na 9.10 beta to nefunguje. Neviete co s tym?
Existuje nejaky iny sposob ako monitorovat teplotu procesora? V /proc/acpi/thermal_zone nic nemam.
    • Re: sensors / acpi - nefunguje 22.10.2009 | 20:07
      Avatar Milan Dvorský debian,mint kde,android  Administrátor
      to je lm-sensors? a tieto veci v beta verzii *ubuntu standartne robia problemy ...