google a sloboda internetu
Hi Stanislav,
Over the past few weeks, you stood with millions from all corners of the world who took action in support of a free and open Internet. Your voice was heard.
Some governments sought to use the recent meeting of the International Telecommunication Union in Dubai to increase censorship and regulation of the Internet. At the conclusion of the meeting last Friday, 89 countries signed the treaty, while 55 countries said they would not sign or that additional review was needed. We stand with the countries that refused to sign, and we stand with you.
We we want to thank you for your actions over the past few weeks. Your voice helped shine a light on a process that would otherwise have been in the dark, and you helped bring the issue of Internet freedom to global prominence.
With your support, we can continue to help ensure that governments alone do not direct the future of the Internet. Thank you.
Until next time,
Vint Cerf
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
No vždy je treba si dávať majzla, Google by tiež mohol zneužívať svoj monopol a je otázka do akej miery ho zneužíva. Druhá vec, postav si svoj cloud a bude pre teba slobodnejší a bezpečnejší?
No zatiaľ som rád, že to dopadlo ako to dopadlo. Sloboda vyhrala tam kde žijem, ale dokedy?
čo má spoločné Google s rozhodnutiami zástupcov jednotlivých vlád krajín zúčastnených na danej konferencii?
Teda, okrem toho, že si zlepšuje PR na vecia ktoré sa dejú mimo neho.