Ked cez atp aktualizujem system vypise toto:
The following packages will be upgraded
MozillaFirefox MozillaFirefox-translations beagle beagle-firefox cairo
cdparanoia desktop-translations esound gconf2 gimp glib glib2 gnome-desktop
gnome-filesystem gnome-icon-theme gnome-keyring gnome-vfs2 gtk2 imlib2
imlib2-loaders kdebase3-SuSE ktorrent lftp libart_lgpl libbeagle libbonobo
libcroco libgnomeprint libgnomesu libidl libnl libsndfile libtheora
libtunepimp linux-atm mono-core mono-data mono-data-sqlite mono-web
mozilla-nspr mozilla-nss mozilla-xulrunner orbit2 pango qt3 rp-pppoe speex
The following packages have been kept back
amarok amarok-helix amarok-libvisual amarok-xine jack k3b kaffeine
kernel-default kernel-source xmoto
Ani YaST mi nechce z nejakeho dovodu napr. Amarok aktualizovat, preco???