zdravim borci, o5 som tu s matlabom. po upgrade z 6.06 na 6.10 (jadro 2.6.17-10) o5 neviem rozchodit matlab... problem je nasledovny:
po pokuse spustit licence manager mi vypise:
hlavo@psychiatria:/home/deposit/matlab6.5/etc$ ./lmstart
Checking license file for local hostname and local hostid . . .
Taking down any existing license manager daemons . . .
sort: Warning: "+number" syntax is deprecated, please use "-k number"
No license manager daemons running . . .
Starting license manager . . .
Debug logfile = /var/tmp/lm_TMW.log
ln: creating symbolic link `/var/tmp/lm_TMW.vd1' to
`/home/deposit/matlab6.5/etc/glnx86/lm_matlab': File exists
Note: License manager still has not started properly . . .
You may still be waiting for redundant servers to
communicate properly. Check the end of the logfile for any
additional messages by using the command 'lmstart -e'.
v ubuntu 6.06 som mal tiez problem s matlabom, ten som vsak polahky
vyriesil. teraz vsak moje schopnosti aj google zlyhavaju.
skusil som zmazat ten `/var/tmp/lm_TMW.vd1'
ked som to zmazal, tak mi vypisalo:
Starting license manager . . .
Debug logfile = /var/tmp/lm_TMW.log
/var/tmp/lm_TMW.ld: relocation error: /var/tmp/lm_TMW.ld: symbol errno,
version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference
co je presne ta ista chyba co bola v 6.06. tam som ju odstranil, ze som
exportoval LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 a matlab uz isiel... teraz vsak vypise:
/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
tak som skusil zmenit prava: chmod 755 /lib/libc.so.6
a teraz mi vypisuje:
Checking license file for local hostname and local hostid . . .
Taking down any existing license manager daemons . . .
sort: Warning: "+number" syntax is deprecated, please use "-k number"
trap: 694: : bad trap
Note: license manager did not come down properly . . .
Vie niekto pomoct? uz som zufaly... potrebujem robit a nemam ako. uz zvazujem aj prechod s5 na 6.06