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Re: Apache 23.11.2006 | 15:22
Dare_devil Debian, OpenSuse Používateľ
mam presne ten isty problem co hovori Lore na http://www.linuxos.sk/zobraz_prispevok.php?forumid=42102 a nikto mu tam zatial neodpovedal ... PROSIM, SURNE !!!There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people-
Re: Re: Apache 23.11.2006 | 16:06
Dare_devil Debian, OpenSuse Používateľ
uz mi to ide, stacilo len restartovat PC :)There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people-
Re: Re: Re: Apache 23.11.2006 | 16:34
Frantisek Klabzuba Debian Používateľ
/etc/init.d/httpd restart alebo apachectl restart