Slackware BSD init skripty
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Re: Slackware BSD init skripty 13.12.2006 | 09:29pistal Návštevníka/sysvinit
Re: Re: Slackware BSD init skripty 13.12.2006 | 10:45
Frantisek Klabzuba Debian Používateľ
To su System V init skripty (/sbin/init, /etc/inittab), nie BSD init skripty (bsd nema runleveli). Pravdu povediac, neviem o tom ze by to vobec islo nahodit BSD init skripty. Ale mozno si nerozumieme, co chapes pod pojmom BSD init skripty?-
Re: Re: Re: Slackware BSD init skripty 13.12.2006 | 12:15
mts1500 Slackware, ArchLinux Používateľ
Slackware pouziva BSD-style skripty a tie su v baliku sysvinit.-
Re: Re: Re: Re: Slackware BSD init skripty 13.12.2006 | 13:49
Frantisek Klabzuba Debian Používateľ
To je totalna blbost. System V a BSD su dve rozne odnoze unixu ( Kazdy Linux pouziva System V = /sbin/init + runlevely. BSD runlvely nepouziva. Takze veta "Slackware pouziva BSD-style skripty" je chybna pretoze Slackware je linux teda pouziva System V init skripty (ako uz napoveda sam nazov balicku). Dokaz: # HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE: # The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line # up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' # on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must # make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also # customary to leave one space after the ':'. |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| sysvinit: sysvinit (init, the parent of all processes) sysvinit: sysvinit: System V style init programs by Miquel van Smoorenburg that control sysvinit: the booting and shutdown of your system. These support a number of sysvinit: system runlevels, each with a specific set of utilities spawned. sysvinit: For example, the normal system runlevel is 3, which starts agetty sysvinit: on virtual consoles tty1 - tty6. Runlevel 4 starts xdm. sysvinit: Runlevel 0 shuts the system down. sysvinit: sysvinit: sysvinit:-
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Slackware BSD init skripty 13.12.2006 | 13:56
Frantisek Klabzuba Debian Používateľ
Ok, takze drobne upresnenie: # rc.sysvinit This file provides basic compatibility with SystemV style # startup scripts. The SystemV style init system places # start/stop scripts for each runlevel into directories such as # /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ (for runlevel 3) instead of starting them # from /etc/rc.d/rc.M. This makes for a lot more init scripts, # and a more complicated execution path to follow through if # something goes wrong. For this reason, Slackware has always # used the traditional BSD style init script layout.-
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Slackware BSD init skripty 13.12.2006 | 16:14Srigi Návštevníksry moja chyba, samozrejme su to sys V init skripty v BSD style.