Zachytávanie obrazovky do videa
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Re: Zachytávanie obrazovky do videa 24.12.2006 | 00:37qwertz Návštevníkvim, ze se to zachytavalo do flash animace, videa, ale jak presne se ten programek jmenoval uz nevim (mozna vnc2sw ) ale zkus prohledat popr. levy sloupec , polozka Software
Re: Zachytávanie obrazovky do videa 24.12.2006 | 06:20
Lucas Lommer Debian stable, LinuxMint, Foresight Používateľ
xvidcap/gvidcap-- Buduj vláčky, posílíš mír!-
Re: Re: Zachytávanie obrazovky do videa 24.12.2006 | 06:21
Lucas Lommer Debian stable, LinuxMint, Foresight Používateľ
jeste me napada Byzanz: Buduj vláčky, posílíš mír!-
Re: Re: Re: Zachytávanie obrazovky do videa 25.12.2006 | 02:37Stranger NávštevníkXubuntu/ScreencastHowto This page describes how to make a Screencast on Xubuntu (Flash with audio). 1. sudo apt-get install vnc4server xvnc4viewer pygame lame Note: Universe/Multiverse must be enabled. Note2: You may need additional stuff for playing mp3s, if you don't have it installed yet. 2. Make sure your microphone works. most likely, you'll have to launch xfce4mixer and turn up the volume of the mic. also click on 'Show Switches' and hit 'Mic Boost'. 3. vnc4server -geometry 800x600 This will ask you to set a password. vnc4server will accept command line switches for different resolutionx, color depths, etc. Please refer to the man page. 4. edit the file ~/.vnc/xstartup. If the file does not exist, create it. 5. replace the content with #!/bin/sh unset SESSION_MANAGER exec startxfce4 6. xvnc4viewer localhost:1 This will bring up a window with a new desktop inside. This is the desktop that will be recorded. 7. Go to [WWW] and download the three python files. 8. ./ -o out.swf -S "arecord -r 22050 voice.wav" localhost:1 This should bring up a new window with some controls for recording. 9. hit in the vnc2swf window. 10. Switch to the xvnc4viewer window, and do-that-thing-you-do, while talking into your microphone. 11. hit in the vnc2swf window. 12. lame voice.wav voice.mp3 13. ./ -o final.swf -a voice.mp3 out.swf 14. firefox final.html
Re: Re: Zachytávanie obrazovky do videa 25.12.2006 | 20:16
Tomáš Lehocký Lubuntu Používateľ
dik moc ten xvidcap je fakt super a nedavno spravili novu verziu - len skoda ze tak zatazuje cpu ale to vyladim...... tomolctomolc