nVidia driver
No Nvidia Video cards have 3D acceleration enabled automatically with Ubuntu, because the manufacturer does not release open source drivers. However, it is possible to activate 3D acceleration. The process depends on which type of video card you have.
If you have an older TNT, TNT2, TNT Ultra, GeForce1 or GeForce2 card, install the nvidia-glx-legacy and nvidia-settings packages from the Restricted repository (see Chapter 2, Adding, Removing and Updating Applications).
Alternatively, if you have a newer card, install the nvidia-glx package from the Restricted repository (see Chapter 2, Adding, Removing and Updating Applications).
To enable the new driver, run the following command in a terminal:
sudo nvidia-glx-config enable
Všetko prebehlo v pohode ale po zadaní posledného príkazu mi vypísalo:
Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed
the nvidia driver for your running kernel.
Neviete prosím aký driver si mám nainštalovať? Skúšal som hľadať na googli ale nepomohlo.
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heh idem hrat Quake 3 ked uz tak dobre slape