RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^chkfontpath$"; };
To disable these warnings completely set:
RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";
W: There are multiple versions of "gutenprint-foomatic" in your system.
This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:
RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^gutenprint-foomatic$"; };
To disable these warnings completely set:
RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "f
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
Vypis je dlhsi nechcel som sem davat cely viete mi s tym poradit?
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version.
nieco treba odinstalovat ,tak sa zda