ako na wifi
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Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
Vyšlo „paralelné vydanie“ (nie úplná aktualizácia) verzie AV Linux MX Edition.
Zdroj: AV Linux
Priatelia želám Vám do Nového roku 2025 všetko dobré, nech sa Vám vo svete Linuxu darí a z mojej strany ďakujem všetkým, ktorí akýmkoľvek spôsobom prispievajú na tento web. Či sú to už správy o zaujímavých novinkách, komentáre v diskusiách alebo blogy, ktoré niekedy zaberú aj pol dňa klepania na úkor svojho času. O to väčšia vďaka, PF 2025.
3. ročník Bratislava OpenCamp sa uskutoční 5. 4. 2025
Po covidových rokoch a ďalších prekážkach je pred nami tretí ročník, ktorý sa uskutoční v apríli 2025 na FIIT STU v Bratislave. Prvý aj druhý ročník konferencie sa tešil účasti okolo 300 ľudí, veríme že tretí ročník bude ešte lákavejší.
Zdroj: Bratislava OpenCamp
Aj v roku 2025 sa v Bruseli uskutoční podujatie "Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting" (FOSDEM). Viac na jeho stránkach.
Zdroj: https://fosdem.org/2025/
Komerčné riešenie pre virtualizáciu VMware Workstation Pro bolo uvolnené bezodplatne pre osobné použitie približne od mája 2024. Jedná sa o veľmi kvalitný virtualizačný nástroj pre windows aj linux.
Vznikla česká webová stránka venovaná distribúcii EndeavourOS s podporou Arch-Linux.cz. Táto distribúcia je založená na Arch linuxe. Inštalácia je založená na Calamares.
Zdroj: EndeavourOS.cz
V rámci updatov k 1.6.2024 bol vydaný respin MX linuxu pre single board počítač Orange Pi.
Zdroj: Mxlinux org
Vyšla nová verzia rolling-update distribúcie Manjaro, ktorá spája silu Arch Linuxu s jednoduchosťou user-friendly distribúcii. Okrem najnovšieho jadra je k dispozícii pre priaznivcov KDE aj najnovšie rozhranie Plasma 6. Manjaro vychádza vo verziách s KDE, GNOME a XFCE.
Zdroj: Distrowatch
Bola vydaná verzia 0.10 textového editoru neovim. Nová verzia obsahuje množstvo vylepšení LSP protokolu, zvýrazňovania syntaxe pomocou Tree-sitteru a ďalších menších zmien. Kompletný zoznam noviniek je dostupný v oznámení o vydaní.
Zdroj: neovim.io
Retro distribúcia arix prináša prostredie kde 1.1.2 na Debian 13 (trixie).
Zdroj: ariasft.github.io
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. Tam si prislusne parametre naklikat (IP, sifrovanie, kluc).Connecting to an OPEN / WEP WLAN (DHCP)
#iwconfig [interface] mode managed key [WEP key] (128 bit WEP use 26 hex characters, 64 bit WEP uses 10)
#iwconfig [interface] essid "[ESSID]" (Specify ESSID for the WLAN)
#dhclient [interface] (to receive an IP address, netmask, DNS server and default gateway from the Access Point)
Connecting to an OPEN / WEP WLAN (Manual IP Setup)
Note: replace [interface] with your interface name as required (e.g. eth1, wlan0, ath0 etc.)
It may be necessary to run some packet capture software (e.g. Ethereal) to determine the IP addresses of both the Default Gateway and DNS servers.
#iwconfig [interface] mode managed key [WEP key] (128 bit WEP use 26 hex characters, 64 bit WEP uses 10)
#iwconfig [interface] essid "[ESSID]"
#ifconfig [interface] [IP address] netmask [subnetmask]
#route add default gw [IP of default gateway] (Configure your default gateway; usually the IP of the Access Point)
#echo nameserver [IP address of DNS server] >> /etc/resolve.conf (Configure your DNS server)
iwconfig Commands:
Note: replace [interface] with your interface name as required (e.g. eth1, wlan0, ath0 etc.)
#iwconfig [interface] mode master (set the card to act as an access point mode)
#iwconfig [interface] mode managed (set card to client mode on a network with an access point)
#iwconfig [interface] mode ad-hoc (set card to peer to peer networking or no access point mode)
#iwconfig [interface] mode monitor (set card to RFMON mode our favourite)
#iwconfig [interface] essid any (with some cards you may disable the ESSID checking)
#iwconfig [interface] essid “your ssid_here” (configure ESSID for network)
#iwconfig [interface] key 1111-1111-1111-1111 (set 128 bit WEP key)
#iwconfig [interface] key 11111111 (set 64 bit WEP key)
#iwconfig [interface] s:mykey (set key as an ASCII string)
#iwconfig [interface] key off (disable WEP key)
#iwconfig [interface] key open (sets open mode, no authentication is used and card may accept non-encrypted sessions)
#iwconfig [interface] channel [channel no.] (set a channel 1-14)
#iwconfig [interface] channel auto (automatic channel selection)
#iwconfig [interface] freq 2.422G (channels can also be specified in GHz)
#iwconfig [interface] ap 11:11:11:11:11:11 (Force card to register AP address)
#iwconfig [interface] rate 11M (card will use the rate specified)
#iwconfig [interface] rate auto (select automatic rate)
#iwconfig [interface] rate auto 5.5M (card will use the rate specified and any rate below as required)
ifconfig Commands:
Note: replace [interface] with your interface name as required (e.g. eth1, wlan0, ath0 etc.)
#ifconfig [interface] up (bring up specified interface)
#ifconfig [interface] down (take down specified interface)
#ifconfig [interface] [IP address] netmask [subnet-mask] (manually set IP and subnet-mask details)
#ifconfig [interface] hw ether [MAC] (Change the wireless cards MAC address, specify in format 11:11:11:11:11:11)
iwlist Commands:
Note: replace [interface] with your interface name as required (e.g. eth1, wlan0, ath0 etc.)
#iwlist is used to display some large chunk of information from a wireless network interface that is not displayed by iwconfig.
#iwlist [interface] scan (Give the list of Access Points and Ad-Hoc cells in range (ESSID, Quality, Frequency, Mode etc.) Note: In tests only worked with Atheros cards).
#iwlist [interface] channel (Give the list of available frequencies in the device and the number of channels).
#iwlist [interface] rate (List the bit-rates supported by the device).
#iwlist [interface] key (List the encryption key sizes supported and display all the encryption keys available in the device).
#iwlist [interface] power (List the various Power Management attributes and modes of the device).
#iwlist [interface] txpower (List the various Transmit Power available on the device).
#iwlist [interface] retry (List the transmit retry limits and retry lifetime on the device).
#iwlist [interface] ap (Give the list of Access Points in range, and optionally the quality of link to them. Deprecated in favour of scan)
#iwlist [interface] peers (Give the list of Peers associated/registered with this card).
#iwlist [interface] event (List the wireless events supported by this card).