nejde mi ndiswrapper

Sekcia: Aplikácie & Desktop 21.08.2007 | 18:25
cvaldo   Návštevník
caute neviem preco mi nejde doinstalovat ndiswrapper pise mi toto
Package Arch Version Repository Size
ndiswrapper i386 1.46-1.lvn7 livna 32 k
kernel i686 2.6.21-1.3194.fc7 installed 45 M
Installing for dependencies:
kernel i586 updates 15 M
kmod-ndiswrapper i586 1.46- livna 88 k

Transaction Summary
Install 3 Package(s)
Update 0 Package(s)
Remove 1 Package(s)

Total download size: 16 M
Downloading Packages:
Running rpm_check_debug
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Package kernel.i686 0:2.6.21-1.3194.fc7 set to be erased
---> Package kmod-ndiswrapper.i586 0:1.46- set to be installed
---> Package kernel.i586 0: set to be installed
---> Package ndiswrapper.i386 0:1.46-1.lvn7 set to be updated
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test

Transaction Check Error:
package kernel- is already installed
file /boot/ from install of kernel- conflicts with file from package kernel-
file /boot/config- from install of kernel- conflicts with file from package kernel-
file /boot/vmlinuz- from install of kernel- conflicts with file from package kernel-

Error Summary
    • Re: nejde mi ndiswrapper 22.08.2007 | 16:11
      Avatar hramat Arch + Openbox  Používateľ
      podla toho co to vypisuje sa ti biju zavislosti v kerneli, co je zvlastne ze je to ten isty kernel.
      file ... from install of kernel- conflicts with file from package kernel-
      Skus si najprv updatnut kernel a potom nainstalovat ndiswrapper. Teda to instaluj oddelene.

      Aj ked ti to vypisuje ze ho uz mas nainstalovany.
      package kernel- is already installed
      Nerozumiem preco kernel 2.6.21-1.3194.fc7 je i686 a ten novy kernel ma by i586.

      cim to instalujes?

      Skus bootnut fedoru do toho predosleho kernelu (zvycajne pri instalacii noveho kernelu sa nechava v zalohe ten predosli), cez yum odinstalovat ten novsi kernel a potom to postupne instalovat (teda najprv novy kernel a neskor ndiswrapper)
      • Re: nejde mi ndiswrapper 22.08.2007 | 16:40
        cvaldo   Návštevník
        Instalujem to cez yum
        • Re: nejde mi ndiswrapper 22.08.2007 | 16:46
          Avatar hramat Arch + Openbox  Používateľ
          Ja som maval podobne problemy s instalaciou NTFS modulu do fedory. Coho som sa potom drzal ze som instalovat kernel osobitne a nasledne ostatne moduly, ako NTFS alebo ndiswrapper. Mozno-Snad ti to pomoze.

          Ako som pisal predtym, skus bootovat do predosleho (starsieho) kernelu a tam sa s tym pohraj