KDE - vypnutie prechodu do standbye rezimu
Prepokladam, ze to je tym, ze sa snazi prejst do stand bye rezimu, neviete ako na to pridem co to presne robi, popripade ako nastavim aby my do toho rezimu nepresiel? v Kcontrol som nic nenasiel...
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
A tam nic take ako .example :(
# This is the ACPID default configuration, it takes all
# events and passes them to /etc/acpi/default.sh for further
# processing.
# event keeps a regular expression matching the event. To get
# power events only, just use something like "event=button power.*"
# to catch it.
# action keeps the command to be executed after an event occurs
# In case of the power event above, your entry may look this way:
#event=button power.*
#action=/sbin/init 0
# Optionally you can specify the placeholder %e. It will pass
# through the whole kernel event message to the program you've
# specified.
a este je tam default.sh skript...
Mam ten isty problem, tiez sa mi nerozsvieti displej, ale mne sa do da spravit tak, ze mam tlacidla na zmenu podsvietenia, a tak tuknem nizsiu intenzitu a v tom momente sa rozsvieti a vratim to spat na vyssiu :)
Ja hlavne potebujem ked idem prec, aby ked zavriem nb, aby sa bud nic nestalo, alebo aby nabehol setric a zamkol obrazovku....
xset dpms force off
?a to "aby ked zavriem nb, aby sa bud nic nestalo, alebo aby nabehol setric a zamkol obrazovku", to ti funguje alebo to je otazka do plena?:)
pridal som to do default sh, pekne to vyplo monitor, ale potom ako som sa vratil naspat ma to odhlasilo, tak ako to je nastavene v kcontrol...
moje default.sh teraz:
# Default acpi script that takes an entry for all actions
set $*
# Take care about the way events are reported
ev_type=`echo "$1" | cut -d/ -f1`
if [ "$ev_type" = "$1" ]; then
event=`echo "$1" | cut -d/ -f2`
case "$ev_type" in
case "$event" in
logger "acpid: received a shutdown request"
/sbin/init 0
logger "acpid: action $2 is not defined"
logger "ACPI group $1 / action $2 is not defined"
case "$group" in
case "$action" in
power) /sbin/init 0
setterm -blank 0
lid) /usr/bin/xset -display :0.0 dpms force
off # i added this
*) logger "ACPI action $action is not defined"
logger "ACPI group $group / action $action is not defined"