20 rokov Linuxu, pohľad Linusovho spolužiaka
Linus Torvaldsov bývalý spolužiak, Lars Wirzenius "Lasu" napísal príbeh, ako to celé s Linuxom začalo z jeho pohľadu. Zaujímavé a pekné čítanie, venované k 20.výročiu Linuxu.
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
No orgies. Really. :D :D :D
Most importantly, everyone can make a difference. A big, important accomplishment consists of a very long series of small steps, and having what we call sisu in Finnish helps. It also helps if you're smart and know what you're doing, but remember that 20-year-old who was very stupid when drunk, and also posed half-naked for beer photos? Not so smart, but also didn't give up. It helps to be stupid and ignorant in the right way, so that you think "hey, I can do that" instead of "that must be very difficult to do".