Vydaný Quassel 0.14-rc1
Dnes bol vydaný Quassel 0.14-rc1. Quassel IRC je moderný multiplatformový distribuovaný IRC klient.
- New baseline for minimum build requirements and dependencies: Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial Xerus"
- - GCC 5 or Clang 3.4
- - CMake 3.5
- - Qt 5.5.0
- New dependencies:
- - Boost (v1.54 or later, build-time only)
- - zlib (bundled miniz has been removed)
- Remove support for building against Qt4/KDE4
- Require SSL support in Qt
- Support many more features of IRCv3
- Support the HAProxy protocol
- Provide a daemon providing Prometheus metrics
- Deprecate local highlight settings (prefer synced ones instead)
- Improve configuration of SASL PLAIN and EXTERNAL
- Add button for strike-through format
- Allow choosing the account to connect to via command-line option
- Make database schema migration more robust
- Make backlog fetch more efficient, allow for fetch-on-demand
- Make syncing and other aspects of the core/client protocol more efficient
- Make RPC implementation more efficient
- Improve log output
- Clean up and modernize large parts of the code base
- - Replace the Qt 4 string-based connect syntax by function pointers
- - Fix many clang-tidy findings
- - Reformat ALL the code using clang-format instead of Uncrustify, with some style changes
- Modernize build system
- Support building shared libraries via the ENABLE_SHARED CMake option (defaults to on)
- Introduce support for (and a small selection of) unit tests via the BUILD_TESTING CMake option
- Use Github Actions as CI system, replacing Travis and Appveyor
- Many smaller fixes
- Improve documentation and UI help
- Update translations
Zdroj: GitHub
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
Väčšinou sa Linux používateľ stretne v distribúciách s GTK softom HexChat, prípadne v KDE s Konversation, preto kvitujem že existujú aj Qt softy,,,
Roky idem HexChat, ale chcel by som prejsť na Quassel. Teda občas ho zapínam, mno uvidíme.