5.1 zvku s Creative zvukovkou
do adresára /home/ vytvorte prázdny textový dokument pod názvom ".asoundrc" (bez uvodzoviek" do neho nakopírujte tento script:
################################################## #######
#This is the standard setting (see: "!default")
#This profile, the default loaded, upmixes stereo sound to 5.1.
pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "surround51"
slave.channels 6
route_policy duplicate
################################################## ######
#This is the normal spdif output profile (optical, toslink).
pcm.!spdif {
type plug
slave.pcm "hw:0,1"
################################################## #####
#This is what one could call the "factory default setting", in other words, it only plays the actual channels. so if you fx want to watch a 5.1 movie, on the analog output, this is the option you want.
pcm.analog {
type plug
slave analog_slave;
pcm_slave.analog_slave {
pcm surround51;
format S32_LE;
uložte to a odhláste sa (ctrl + alt + backspace)...
znovu sa prihláste a kliknite 2x na ovládanie hlasitosti. Tam chodte do "úpravy", "predvoľby" a zaškrtnite tieto 3 veci: "Analog Center/LFE", "Analog Front", "Analog Rear" dajte zavieť a teraz dajte chlasitosť všetkých troch zaškrtnutých možností na plno...
História úprav
Autor | Dátum |
bielyazdec | 15.03.2009 | 18:07 |