help for Ubuntu in Bratislava

Sekcia: Aplikácie & Desktop 28.04.2008 | 13:39
djraffon   Návštevník
Hi guys, I m french living in Bratislava for more than one year now and I m actually looking for some ubuntu user club in town. Already 7 month that I m loosing Ubuntu and I still have some problems on my notbook. I would be really happy to meet someone around a beer and talk about Ubuntu and how to fix the problem I have to face actually.

Don t hesitate to contact me on

Dobru zabavu so Ubuntov

    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 13:55
      Avatar Tomáš Srnka Barz čo, už asi všetko  Administrátor

      come to the next LinuxFest, which will be in Bratislava on 21st of June. There will be many guys (geeks? :)), who use linux, so there should be able to help you.

      Unfortunately, there isn't anything like Ubuntu club (neither linux club...), however people just meet in pubs and talk.

      I'm from Bratislava, so if you need help, just drop me a line and we can meet somewhere in the center (Slovak pub?).

      Best Regards,

      Tomas Srnka / project leader
      Dlho som robil, neskôr založil, posledných pár rokov ako tech. riaditeľ vo Websupporte
    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 13:57
      Avatar Dare_devil Debian, OpenSuse  Používateľ
      I haven't good experience with ubuntu on notebooks. Which notebook have you? I cant help you because I am from Košice, but i can try it on this forum.
      ( Sorry my english is so bad )
      There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people
    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 15:48
      Avatar marek`` Ubuntu 9.04 KK  Používateľ
      Bonjour djraffon. Peut etre je pourrais t'aider avec ton Ubuntu. Je suis present a PSA Trnava chaque jour. Tu peux me contacter par email, ICQ etc (tu le trouveras dans mon profil)
      • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 16:08
        Attila   Návštevník
        Sorry za vstup. --len sa mi páči tá rôznorodosť jazykov, bude pruser ked niekdo bude sa pýtať na problemy s linuxom v romštine, ...aj ked by som sa nečudoval, ved je zadarmo :))) no more !!
        • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 16:36
          Avatar borg Fedora  Administrátor
          ked nerozumies nereaguj ;)
    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 16:05
      Avatar Milan Dvorský debian,mint kde,android  Administrátor
      salut, tu peux ecrire a mon address email : ou nous pouvons mette avec tomas srnka et aider a toi ;) salut :)
    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 16:24
      Avatar Stanislav Hoferek Greenie 18.04  Používateľ
      as Tomas Srnka says, come to see us in Linuxfest :)

      I personally like to help with ubuntu, but i live very far from Bratislava :(

      What problems have you got? What is not functional? Many about ubuntu and notebooks are written here in, maybe someone can help you with translate into french or english
      • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 19:01
        Avatar abain SuSE 10.3  Používateľ
        I've got an Asus notebook with Intel coreduo CPU and 1024mb of RAM. Although I use SUSE on my desktop, Ubuntu is the only OS that I've been using on the notebook without any difficulties since I'd installed it. The latest 8.04 looks really fine and stable even after upgrading the whole system via Internet and downloading nearly 1GB of data.
        Provided that you have a reasonable internet access and if you encounter some issues I would recommend you not to hesitate and directly make an upgrade. There is no need to make an installation from scratch.

        Linuxfest will be an excellent occasion to meet guys from linux community here in Slovakia. You are welcome.
    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 19:20
      Avatar Viliam Oravec Kubuntu 10.04 (MSI GX700PX)  Používateľ
      Hi djraffon,
      there are no linux clubs in Slovakia, yet. In case you want to speak with somebody about linux and it's problems, you can visit out freenode IRC channel. You can find some useful instructions under . But it is in Slovak. When you are facing a problem, just tell us about it and we try to consult it with you.


      And to your English... There are some gramatical mistakes in your text... ( Bratislava for one year..., Already 7 months..., and the English never says I would be really happy to meet, but I'd be glad to meet...) I think, you're just a student from Slovakia who is probing our skills in English.... or French... Or am I mistaking? Have a nice day and please don't punish me.. :D
      Všichni mněli ruce od krve, jenom já hubu... :)
      • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 28.04.2008 | 20:57
        Avatar Stanislav Hoferek Greenie 18.04  Používateľ what? I think that for english speaking ones the english wiki pages are better... and is currently a little bit outdated... :(

        will you help me with some updates?
        • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 29.04.2008 | 00:34
          Avatar Viliam Oravec Kubuntu 10.04 (MSI GX700PX)  Používateľ
          No matter if is out of date. The versions of distros released year or two don't differ from now released versions. I mean they don't differ each other so much.

          And about the updates... AS YOU WISH > Let me know via icq. I think you have my icq contact. (Hmm it comes me funny. Slovaks speaking english on slovak forum. :D ) I'm doing school-leaving exams next month... But it could be possible to help you during summer holiday.
          Všichni mněli ruce od krve, jenom já hubu... :)
      • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 29.04.2008 | 17:44
        djraffon   Návštevník
        que celui qui n'a jamais péché jette la première pierre
        the person who never sin should throw the first stone
        ten clovek ze nikdi urobi chibu musi vihodit prvy kamen ...

        If you have to guess again, next time guess right or do not.
        • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 29.04.2008 | 17:58
          Avatar Tomáš Hanzel Slackware  Používateľ
          This is the reason, why I hate many person of this forum...
          sin, sin, sin...Guys...My god..

          4 the first don't like how sin's make slovak guys,//other//
          now, dont;t like this one french boy with his english...

          My sin,. my sin, my biiig big sin....
          Close the Windows Open The Source
    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 29.04.2008 | 01:07
      Martin   Návštevník
      Neviem ako vy ostatní, ja som to pochopil tak, že mladý čaká, že niekto mu napíše na jeho e-mail.
      • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 29.04.2008 | 02:09
        Avatar jv openSuSE 11  Používateľ
        Ja som zase pochopil len ten e-mail.. :)))))))
        • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 29.04.2008 | 15:57
          <<<>>>   Návštevník
          I am from bratislava but i dont very good english speaker and i allready learning German at school.... but If you have any problems you can contact me on ICQ 405287751 or email but better is forum ! GL
          and What are your troubles in ubuntu ?

          Sorry for my bad English
    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 29.04.2008 | 16:55
      djraffon   Návštevník
      Actually the french forum about Ubuntu is quite active so if I ask some help on the slovack forum it s because I didn t manage to fix the problem that way. That s why I want to meet people IRL and show them the problem I have on my computer:

      To fix the SD card reader because it s not working
      To Install fluxbox on Ubuntu server
      To make my WIFI conection working
      To run 3D desktop effect with fluxbox ...

      I also contacted the Austrian Ubuntu comunity but the slovak one seems to be more active...

      eMDI ans Tomas Srnka, I ll send you email to make an appointment these days somewhere in town for a beer and Ubuntu ;)

      Kde to bude ten LinuxFest a ako to funguje??? Mozte mi dat viac informacie o ten fest???
      • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 29.04.2008 | 17:44
        Avatar Stanislav Hoferek Greenie 18.04  Používateľ
        infos about linuxfests are here in the forum, Tomas Srnka also can tell you something about LFests...

        main slovak website about linuxfeste is here:
      • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 30.04.2008 | 00:04
        Avatar Tomáš Srnka Barz čo, už asi všetko  Administrátor
        How about this Thursday? :-)

        btw. my SD card reader this not work either... :-( but that's because there is not suitable driver for it...
        Dlho som robil, neskôr založil, posledných pár rokov ako tech. riaditeľ vo Websupporte
    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 29.04.2008 | 22:45
      Avatar Pavel Q4OS, DistroWatch  Administrátor
      Mám pocit že tu niekto machruje so znalosťami cudzích jazykov :-D Ale aký to má význam fakt netuším.
      • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 30.04.2008 | 00:10
        WlaSaTy   Návštevník
        pokial je to naozaj frantik, tak budu chalani mierne zaskoceny jeho vyslovnostou. dufam ze prijemne.

        inak by ma zaujimalo ako je tu dlho, len koli tomu kolko bude trvat prelomenie ochrany pred spamom.
        • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 30.04.2008 | 14:43
          Avatar Milan Dvorský debian,mint kde,android  Administrátor
          neboj, ja francuzsky viem :)
          • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 30.04.2008 | 15:19
            WlaSaTy   Návštevník
            Toho sa nebojim, len som narazal na vyslovnost ktora je pri frantikoch hovoriacich po anglicky mierne zaujimava. Je pravda ze som uz zazil vynimky (aj pre ine casti europy a sveta), ale to je v tomto pripade mimo mna.
            • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 30.04.2008 | 16:20
              djraffon   Návštevník
              No dobre chlapcy ale vase posledni veta nic nierozumiem...

              Tomas Srnka and eMDI, I already sent you and email for both of you but you didn t reply. Can you contact me by mail ( to make an appointment in the center.
              This thursday I m going to Poland so I ll not be available until sunday.

              Why not a meeting next week:
              monday after 17h00
              tuesday after 19h30
              or wednesday after 18h00

              Tanks to answer me by e mail
            • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 30.04.2008 | 17:14
              Avatar marek`` Ubuntu 9.04 KK  Používateľ
              A co si myslite, ze slovaci rozpravaju po anglicky bez prizvuku? Rodeny anglicania by vam vedeli rozpravat...
              • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 01.05.2008 | 15:20
                WlaSaTy   Návštevník
                Nie nemyslíme, rovnako ako si nemyslime ze Skoti alebo Australcania rozpravaju bez prizvuku. Ale ved si vypocuj a pochopis ze maju uplne iny typ prizvuku :)
                • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 01.05.2008 | 17:34
                  Avatar Tomáš Srnka Barz čo, už asi všetko  Administrátor
                  kazdy clovek hovori anglicky s nejakym prizvukom, neexistuje nieco ako "spravny" a "zly" prizvuk.

                  A australcania maju nahodou vcelku dobry prizvuk ;-).
                  Dlho som robil, neskôr založil, posledných pár rokov ako tech. riaditeľ vo Websupporte
                  • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 01.05.2008 | 17:47
                    WlaSaTy   Návštevník
                    Ano, kazdy jazyk ma derivacie, ci uz v ramci slangu alebo georafickej lokacie. K tomu sa dokaze pridat prizvuk materinskeho jazyka a o tom som povodne hovoril. Francuzsky prizvuk v Anglictine je jeden z najlepsich, odporucam vychutnat.

                    PS.: mozno by som sa aj pridal, ale tie casy su pre skolopovinnych.
    • Re: help for Ubuntu in Bratislava 01.05.2008 | 17:35
      jaaa   Návštevník
      sux :-]