Ako nainstalovat softwer písaný v skript. jazyku Python.
Chcel som si nainštalovať jednu utilitu na Ubuntu, ale narazil som na skriptovací jazyk Python. Ako sa inštaluje softwer písaný v tomto jazyku?
toto je obsah balika "71960-WaterMarkScreenlet-v0.31.tar.gz" po rozbalení.
čo s tým?
Pre pridávanie komentárov sa musíte prihlásiť.
How to display nvidia card information:
It's possible to display several information using nvclock.
In "Custom sensor" tab, use "nvclock -s" as command line
How to control nvidia cards overclock:
To do that, you can use nvclock.
In the main folder, the file nvidia8800GT.py is a script to overclock a little bit a 8800GT script.
WARNING: Do not use this script as is. It may destroy it. Read the code carefully, and use it only if you well understand what it does. I am not responsible for what may happen to your hardware.
Open a shell with root user. Then copy file nvidia8800GT.py in /usr/local/bin/.
Edit nvidia8800GT.py and change values to meet your need.
Be careful that only root has write access on this file.
Then you need to allow this file to be run as root (sudo) by you as standard user.
We are considering that your standard user name is "raoul". Then, as root, you have to edit /etc/sudoers and add a line like this one:
raoul ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/fan1.py
Be very careful and read some documentation before editing /etc/sudoers. A mistake may prevent you from using sudo.
Now, set the system control option with /usr/local/bin/nvidia8800GT.py as "System control command".
Check "Sudo command" option
How to display CPU speed:
Copy the following line in a file you can execute:
cat /proc/cpuinfo|gawk -F: -- '/^cpu MHz/{ print "\n" int($2) " MHz"; }'|tr -s '\n\n' '\n'
In "Custom sensor" tab, call this file as command line
How to control fan speed:
To enable fan control, you must have lm-sensors installed.
Open a shell with root user. Then copy file fan1.py in /usr/local/bin/.
Edit fan1.py and change the variable path to match with the fan you want to control.
Be careful that only root has write access on this file.
Then you need to allow this file to be run as root (sudo) by you as standard user.
We are considering that your standard user name is "raoul". Then, as root, you have to edit /etc/sudoers and add a line like this one:
raoul ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/fan1.py
Be very careful and read some documentation before editing /etc/sudoers. A mistake may prevent you from using sudo.
Now, set the fan control option with /usr/local/bin/fan1.py as "System control command".
If you want to control more than one fan, creates copies of fan1.py, and add these new files in /etc/sudoers, separated with a coma.
WARNING: changing fan speed may destroy your CPU or other parts of your computer. I'm in no way responsible for what may happen with this software. Please, use it carefully.
Jeden skript máš v hlavnom priečinku WaterMarkScreenlet.py
Ostatné budú v adresáry script_samples.
Pokiaľ chceš pretaktovávať, odporúčam NVclock.