
Sekcia: Aplikácie & Desktop 23.02.2012 | 15:48
miiisa   Návštevník
ahoj,hram sa s apache2 a snazim sa nahodit virtualne hosty, a momentalne mi vyhadzuje
vedel by mi dakto po lopate poradit,s linuxom sa hram nanajvys tyzden :-),tento bug som vyhladal dakde,ale ani postup na jeho fixnutie mi nepomohol

Restarting web server: apache2[Thu Feb 23 14:38:21 2012] [error] VirtualHost *:80 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results
[Thu Feb 23 14:38:21 2012] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
[Thu Feb 23 14:38:21 2012] [error] VirtualHost *:80 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results
[Thu Feb 23 14:38:21 2012] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
Action 'start' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.

root@server:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cat www.forgym.tk


<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com

ServerName forgym.tk

ServerAlias forgym.tk

# Indexes + Directory Root.
DirectoryIndex index.html
DocumentRoot /var/www/www.forgym.tk/htdocs/

# CGI Directory
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/www.forgym.tk/cgi-bin/
<Location /cgi-bin>
Options +ExecCGI

# Logfiles
ErrorLog /var/www/www.forgym.tk/logs/error.log

CustomLog /var/www/www.forgym.tk/logs/access.log combined

root@server:/etc/apache2# cat ports.conf
# If you just change the port or add more ports here, you will likely also
# have to change the VirtualHost statement in
# /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
# This is also true if you have upgraded from before 2.2.9-3 (i.e. from
# Debian etch). See /usr/share/doc/apache2.2-common/NEWS.Debian.gz and
# README.Debian.gz

NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen 80

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
# If you add NameVirtualHost *:443 here, you will also have to change
# the VirtualHost statement in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl
# to <VirtualHost *:443>
# Server Name Indication for SSL named virtual hosts is currently not
# supported by MSIE on Windows XP.
Listen 443

<IfModule mod_gnutls.c>
Listen 443

apache error log-zaujimave je,ze za dnesok tam nic nie je:-),to by vysvetlovalo ten fail pri spustani apache
nezmestilo sa to sem,tak som to dal http://pastebin.com/tRCQieid :-)

    • Re: Apache2 23.02.2012 | 20:44
      Avatar Milan Dvorský debian,mint kde,android  Administrátor
      miesas porty, skus https spojenie na chvilu zakomentovat.
      • Re: Apache2 24.02.2012 | 03:06
        miiisa   Návštevník
        presnejsie nevies poradit?
        • Re: Apache2 24.02.2012 | 19:49
          miiisa   Návštevník
          zakomentovanie nepomohlo,ale dakde som prepisal listen * na listen *:80 a uz ide,aspon myslim,ale stale mi vypisuje

          root@server:/etc/apache2/sites-available# apachectl start
          [Fri Feb 24 18:52:55 2012] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
          Action 'start' failed.
          • Re: Apache2 25.02.2012 | 13:29
            WlaSaTy   Návštevník
            Čo asi tak môže znamenať Name (of) virtual host a prečo tam je port?